We keep moving forward in Vanian Garden F.2

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VANIAN GARDEN F.2 project by Aedas Homes in Estepona, with design by González & Jacobson Arquitectura continues to advance.

Vanian Garden F2 con diseno de Gonzalez & Jacobson Arquitectura

Vanian Garden F2 con diseno de Gonzalez & Jacobson Arquitectura

Phase 2 includes 92 contemporary homes distributed in several blocks.

Vanian Garden F2 con diseno de Gonzalez & Jacobson Arquitectura

In block 13, self-leveling works are beginning. In process, execution of inclined panels with brick. Phase 2 of this project presents an approximate 33% executed and we continue advancing. The execution of works continues with care and supervision, according to the schedule of activities established in the different stages of the execution of the residential project.

Vanian Garden F2 con diseno de Gonzalez & Jacobson Arquitectura

Vanian Garden F2 con diseno de Gonzalez & Jacobson Arquitectura

Vanian Garden F2 con diseno de Gonzalez & Jacobson Arquitectura

Vanian Garden F2 con diseno de Gonzalez & Jacobson Arquitectura

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