Dinner for Architects and Professionals of the guild in Marbella

Cena entre arquitectos Grupo Vía.
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It’s delightful to gather with colleagues from the architectural field and related professions to share, exchange, and delight in the conversations and experiences of all attendees.

Gonzalez & Jacobson Architecture, represented by Francisco Javier Arcos, attended the soirée, an exclusive dinner organised by Grupo Via and sponsored by GROHE, last November at BOHO CLUB MARBELLA restaurant.

Cena entre arquitectos Grupo Vía.

Meetings between architects, designers, builders, and real estate developers foster collaboration and cooperation, providing a comprehensive view of the work from all angles, whilst sharing reflections on the sector’s challenges and opportunities.

Gonzalez & Jacobson Architecture applauds these networking initiatives and thanks Grupo Via for including us.

For more details, please visit the Press release

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